Trust DDC Dolphin to Service, Maintain and Repair all makes of Pulp Macerators and Washer Disinfectors
Almost every hospital in the UK relies on macerators and washer disinfectors to underpin an effective infection control strategy. Uptime of this machinery is, therefore, an absolute priority.
The manual washing of bedpans is now considered an outdated practice, and for good reason – the inability to guarantee complete disinfection, as well as the potential spread of bacteria during the cleaning process, has led to 94% of UK NHS hospitals employing a single-use pulp disposable system.[1]
For facilities which haven’t yet converted to maceratable pulp products, a washer disinfector is the only reliable provision for hygienically cleaning re-usable bedpans.
In order to ensure that patients nor clinicians are exposed to potentially life-threatening HCAIs, it’s essential to ensure sluice room technology is always working efficiently, as well as fixing any maintenance issues with urgency. Any length of downtime could result in negative consequences to both infection control and the institution at large, with loss of reputation, poor patient experience, clinician stress and unnecessary expense all part and parcel of an HCAI outbreak.
DDC engineers can provide unparalleled maintenance, service and repair work, thanks to an in-depth training strategy.
Truly a one-stop shop for sluice room technology maintenance, you needn’t worry if your facility has purchased a range of macerators or bedpan washers over the years. DDC engineers are trained in-house on how to service, install and repair sluice room machinery; as this is a standard component of company induction, you can guarantee this same level of knowledge across all of our engineering staff.
In addition, all engineers are trained on HTM testing by an external specialist, with Regional Service Managers providing regular work quality audits. This ensures that standards are kept high and opportunities for further training are not missed.
When it comes to macerators and washer disinfectors that aren’t supplied by DDC, you can still rely on our expertise.
Building on our solid knowledge base from training on DDC machines, our engineers can apply this working knowledge across the full catalogue of alternative manufacturers’ products. Each machine has unique qualities, but our engineers have extensive experience servicing and maintaining machines from various manufacturers in hospitals and care homes all around the UK.
We can service machines from:
ArjoHuntleigh, Astell, Dent & Heller, Haigh, Sissons, Stanbridge, and Vernacare.
We understand that selective maintenance, repair and servicing of machinery would not be beneficial to healthcare providers, or their patients.
Should you experience a breakdown of machinery, you’ll need it back up and running – pronto. Having one service provider, who can maintain all of your sluice room equipment, will make the process of repairing the machinery quick and efficient; not to mention cost-effective.
Very few facilities, after all, can afford a slew of maintenance contracts across different manufacturers; in regard to estates management, this is also needlessly complex. By turning to DDC for your service and maintenance needs, you can rely on the full range of planned and emergency repair work. There’s certainly no need to worry about extended periods of downtime which could endanger those in your care.
When you take out a service and maintenance contract with DDC, you will also benefit from highly-trained engineers who are located all over the country; this allows for strategic dispatch to your facility, ensuring the quickest possible response to urgent requests, regardless of make or model. In addition, we have the biggest Field Service Team of any sluice room technology manufacturer, allowing us to look after even the largest estates in the care home and hospital sector.
Allow their service of older products to expire, DDC will ensure they continue to work efficiently.
If an older macerator or washer disinfector is working well, why should you need to spend your budget replacing it?
This is exactly what other manufacturers expect you to do, when they withdraw maintenance and servicing of items which have been replaced in their inventory.
DDC won’t stop supporting your sluice room machinery, even if it’s no longer covered by the original supplier. As with anything, all machines will eventually need to be replaced, but we will continue to service and maintain any machine for as long as we can without compromising the performance of the machine – regardless of age or manufacturer.
DDC’s unique approach to training allows us to provide only the best levels of service to clients. Discover how we can expertly service your full range of sluice room machinery.