Manor Residential Home Case Study
The Manor Residential Home is based in Nottingham and is for individuals aged 65 onwards seeking exceptional care and attention on a long-term, short-term or respite basis.
The aim is to provide a high level of care centered around each individual resident and his or her circumstance. By providing privacy, dignity, independence and security, the Manor team enables its residents to do the ordinary things and allow them to fulfil their potential.
The Challenge
The Manor Residential Home had a DDC Panamatic Merit installed in 2005 and over the years it had served them well. Having it routinely serviced and maintained, along with annual replacements of the scalematic cartridges, meant that even after 15 years it was still working and there were no issues with the machine. However, a review of their infection prevention and control procedures highlighted the benefits of new technology on DDC next generation of bedpan washers, and they decided to replace it with a hands-free model helping to reduce the risk of cross contamination. With the effects of Covid19 in the forefront of their minds, they also sought advice on any other improvements they could make to safeguard their residents and staff from infection.
The Solution
After a consultation with DDC bedpan washer experts, the DDC Panamatic Midi was selected as the perfect replacement for the home. A medium-capacity bedpan washer with a wide-opening lid for ease of loading, capable of disinfecting up to three reusable items at a time in a seven-minute cycle, it was the ideal solution for their compact sluice room.
To further enhance their infection control strategy, we installed a UVMATIC air purification system The UV and ozone technology provides a natural solution to the problem of drug- and chemical-resistant micro-organisms. It removes bacteria and odours in the air and on surfaces and eradicates viruses, bacteria and mold.
With the previous machine still operating after 15 years, the Manor team understood more than many the value of keeping the machines well maintained, and a service contract was a natural progression for them. A five-year 360° service package covering all the new equipment was agreed so that they could be sure to continue to get the best from their equipment for many years to come.
The Outcome
"Having been a client of DDC for over 15 years and knowing the reliability of their products and services, we had no hesitation in replacing our machine with them. We need reliable and dependable suppliers and the advice and support we get from them is excellent. With DDC on our team, our sluice room is one thing we don’t have to worry about."
Hitesh Chavda – Director - Manor Residential Home