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Stella Maris Aged Care Facility, Australia

Stella Maris is a non-profit, long-term care facility, sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy as an affiliate of Mercy Healthcare Services.

For more than 60 years, Stella Maris has offered a worldwide comprehensive range of health and residential services for the care of the elderly, from retirement through to the end of life. Their core values are fairness, equality and integrity in everything they do.

The Challenge

Stella Maris had been with their previous supplier of bedpan and urine bottle washer disinfectors and thermal sanitisers for over 10 years, and were due to replace these with newer, more efficient machines. As a non-profit organisation they were very keen to reduce their operating and maintenance costs in terms of energy usage, serviceability and reliability of their equipment. whilst not compromising their infection control procedures. Stella Maris were also keen to maintain their core and wanted this to be reflected in everything they did, including the selection of new equipment.

The Solution

DDC, through their Australian distributors Aidacare Pty Ltd in NSW, were able to adopt a consultative approach to help Stella Maris in their choice after a detailed assessment of their needs. They decided to install several DDC Optima 2 bedpan washer disinfectors.

The Outcome

“We would like to take this opportunity to recommend this product to anyone who is looking to replace or renew their washer disinfectors or thermal sanitisers. We have found the DDC Optima 2 thermal sanitisers to be very water and energy efficient, as well as compact, allowing us to make not only the best use but more use of our available space. DDC produced excellent brochures and detailed information, everything was of good quality and the size and pricing for the washer disinfectors was perfect, not only for our usage needs, but also for our budget. The technology is easy to use for all our staff and we haven’t had any issues with this product, it is highly recommended!”

Melanie Grace, Facility Manager, Stella Maris, NSW

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