Try Hygenex’s advanced infection control equipment for free in your care homes.
Collect and dispose of waste safely. Remove harmful bacteria and viruses from the air. Eliminate odours.
New mobile VACUMATIC enables carers to vacuum-seal and compact waste quickly, easily and safely:
Watch this 72-second video to find out more >>
UVMATIC and portable UVMATIC Plus draw in polluted air, destroying viruses (such as influenza), bacteria (including E.coli, salmonella) and mould.
These powerful air purifiers combine three technologies:
Find out more about UVMATIC and UVMATIC Plus. Download the brochures:
Email us now using the form below to request a trial of the VACUMATIC, UVMATIC or UVMATIC Plus.
One of our expert team will contact you very soon to discuss the details.
This trial is presently available only to care providers operating two or more care homes.