What To Consider Before Installing A Washer Disinfector
Wherever reusable bedpans are in circulation, a washer disinfector is essential to achieve best practice compliance. But what should you consider when installing a new machine?
A washer disinfector will dramatically reduce the infection risk associated with reusable bedpans and urine bottles. When used correctly, as part of a robust infection control strategy, you can ensure that your clinicians and patients are kept safe from the HCAIs associated with human waste.
Although the benefits of washer disinfectors are well-documented, there’s more to contemplate than just ‘if’ you need one (and realistically, every facility with reusable medical utensils does need one).
Have you considered exactly what kind of machine you need?
Will it fit in with your existing facilities?
Could part of your set-up make the washer disinfector less effective?
Here’s some important factors to think about when installing your new machine to make sure it performs exactly how you need it to.
1. Can your drainage system support a washer disinfector?
The effluent from a washer disinfector must always be treated as an infection risk; it’s no more or less hazardous than discharge from a standard toilet.
For this reason, washer disinfector waste must be deposited directly into the main drain. In addition, local regulations in regard to human waste must be adhered to.
A washer disinfector doesn’t just deposit human waste into the sewerage system, however. Process chemicals, including detergents and microbicides, are also flushed through the cycle.
2. Have you considered the safe use of consumables?
Washer disinfectors require detergents to refresh and deodorise the machine’s drum after use. They also help to prolong the life of your machine.
Using the wrong chemical in your washer disinfector can pose a risk to the machine itself. An incompatible consumable product could cause corrosion, embrittlement or swelling of materials, with the damage affecting both the machine and utensils inside.
Always purchase the consumables recommended by the washer disinfector manufacturer. In the case of a DDC washer disinfector, this would be Hygenex EcoWash+
3. Is your facility in a hard water area?
Many detergents and disinfectants are impaired by hard water. If this is not managed, it could have a detrimental effect on the performance of your bedpan washer disinfector.
Hard water can also cause maintenance issues, whereby limescale builds in the machine’s pipes and causes inefficient operation, as well as eventual breakdowns.
To keep washer disinfectors running effectively in hard water areas a scale inhibitor such as DDC’s Scalematic should be fitted, and for extra protection, used alongside a detergent with a built-in scale inhibitor such as EcoWash+.
If you have questions about washer disinfector installation, DDC can help.
Our expertise in infection control and sluice room technology allows us to assist you from the design stage and beyond.
Whether you’re looking to build and equip an entirely new sluice room, or upgrade an existing facility, we can make sure that you have the best machinery to match your individual requirements. In addition, our 360° Care Cover packages will ensure that your sluice room remains in the best operational health, for the entirety of its service life.